KERNPUNKT Press is an independent publisher of literary works.
We enjoy symbolism, non-traditional plots, and experimentation.
We like challenging.
In short, we value art over entertainment.
KERNPUNKT is the crux where art intersects literature.
We enjoy symbolism, non-traditional plots, and experimentation.
We like challenging.
In short, we value art over entertainment.
KERNPUNKT is the crux where art intersects literature.
All titles

Then Then Then by Scott Daughtridge DeMer

Now Beacon, Now Sea by Steven Hendricks

Dream Elevator by Marisa Lin

Grapefruit & Snowman: A Book of Plays by Dalton Day

The Nameless by Brandi George

Ebb by Grant Maierhofer

Shoot the Horses First by Leah Angstman

Funeral by Daisuke Shen & Vi Khi Nao

Birth of Eros by Debra Di Blasi

Unearthingly by Julian Mithra

The Smoke is Me, Burning by C.A. Blintzios

A Book About Myself Called Hell by Jared Joseph

Sister Séance by Aimee Parkison

Wiki of Infinite Sorrows by Matthew Burnside

Thick Skin by N/A Oparah

Tight Little Vocal Cords by Loie Rawding

The Fabulous Dead by Andriana Minou

Ceremonials by Katharine Coldiron

The Big Red Herring by Andrew Farkas

The Nurseryman by Arthur Allen

Angel House by David Leo Rice

The Skinned Bird by Chelsea Biondolillo

The Book of Transparencies by Jefferson Navicky

Fabulations by José de Piérola

How to Carry Scars by Dana Green

Tucumcari by Patrick Parks

Mother Walked Into the Lake by Alana I. Capria

The Field is White: A Novel by Claire Åkebrand

Postludes by Matthew Burnside

Mount Fugue by JI Daniels

The Face of Our Town by Elizeya Quate